What Is an Associates Degree in Arts Good for

If you're looking to fast track your career in the arts, or you tin't afford a 4-year bachelor's degree, you should consider an associate of arts degree . When it comes to art acquaintance degrees there are numerous options beyond the US. Furthermore, an art associate degree volition open upwardly a wide array of career opportunities for you.

Co-ordinate to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the fastest-growing jobs are in media, business, education, and healthcare. With an art associate caste, y'all tin can train for these jobs, increase your earnings, and pave the way for further didactics in just ii years. This guide volition take an in-depth look at art associate caste requirements, the best colleges for art, and salary expectations for the pinnacle art associate degree jobs.

What Is Art?

Fine art is any act or output that expresses technical proficiency, dazzler, emotional power, or conceptual ideas. It is based on artistic and imaginative talent without the use of scientific discipline. Art covers a broad range of subjects such every bit painting, literature, dance, filmmaking, architecture, and cooking.

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What Is an Art Associate Degree?

An art associate degree, ordinarily known as an Acquaintance of Arts Caste (AA degree), is a standard two-year degree program usually offered by a customs higher. AA degrees are the first pace in the undergraduate procedure and are often used as a stepping-stone to a 4-year available'southward caste.

For mature students or those who tin't afford a full four-twelvemonth degree program, AA degrees tin exist occupationally focused, preparing students for immediate employment. If you programme on transferring to a 4-year institution, your studies will be more generalized. Either way, degree pathways always include the social sciences and liberal arts.

Fine art Associate Caste Requirements

Admission requirements can vary from school to school, simply in general, a high school diploma or a Graduate Equivalency Caste (GED) is the basic requirement for an fine art associate degree.

To graduate with an AA degree, students are more often than not required to complete a minimum of 60 degree-applicable units and maintain a minimum form point average (GPA) of 2.0. Subjects are divided into general education courses, also called core courses, and elective courses. This allows students to explore a diverseness of subjects and areas of interest.

How Much Does an Fine art Associate Degree Toll?

The National Heart for Education Statistics (NCES) reported that in 2019 the average toll of tuition for associate degree students studying full-time was $3,621. Total spending, including room and board, was $eleven,381 on average.

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Art Associate Degree Financing Options: How to Pay for Your Arts Degree

Perspective fine art students can apply for scholarships, standard financial assistance packages, and art grants and fellowships. Unfortunately, fine art scholarships are usually merely granted to students planning to pursue a bachelor's degree. If you only require an art associate degree, and then try a federal student loan instead.

The best way to employ for fiscal aid is by submitting your asking through the gratis application for federal student assistance (FAFSA) form. Nigh students who apply for fiscal aid will be successful. In 2018, the NCES reported that near 84 percentage of full-time 2-year degree students received financial aid .

Best Fine art Associate Degree Programs and Schools: Overview

School Program Accreditation
Bay College Associate of Arts in Arts and Design Higher Learning Commission
Cañada College Acquaintance of Arts in Anthropology Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Clan of Schools and Colleges
Higher of the Siskiyous Associate of Arts in Humanities Accrediting Committee for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Keiser University Acquaintance of Arts in Cinematic Arts Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Miami Dade Higher Associate of Arts in Calculator Arts Blitheness Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Regent University Associate of Arts in Christian Studies (Hybrid on-campus and online) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
St. John'southward University Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts Middle States Association Commission on Higher Education
St. Leo University Acquaintance of Arts in It Southern Clan of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
SUNY Sullivan Associate of Arts in Theater Arts Center States Committee on College EducationState University of New YorkNew York State Department of Education
Academy of Massachusetts Global Acquaintance of Arts in General Education WSCUC Senior College and University Commission

Best Colleges for Fine art: Acme Fine art Associate Degree Programs

Whether you are looking to gain employable skills or transfer to a four-yr degree program, the following section will help you decide which plan is best for you lot. These art associate (AA) degree programs cover various fields of study, from liberal arts to information technology.

Associate of Arts in Arts and Design | Bay College

Bay Higher has been effectually for over fifty years. The AA in Arts and Pattern program includes art history and visual structure classes. Further career or degree pathways include art instruction, painting, and digital photography.

Associate of Arts in Anthropology | Cañada College

Cañada College is a San Mateo County public college. The AA in Anthropology includes electives in earth music and social concerns. Aside from an obvious possible career in anthropology, y'all can go a linguist or an urban planner upon graduation.

Associate of Arts in Humanities | Higher of the Siskiyous

The College of the Siskiyous is part of the California Community Colleges System and is the just college in Siskiyou County. The AA in Humanities allows you to transfer to a variety of four-year colleges and further your instruction in related studies.

Associate of Arts in Cinematic Arts | Keiser University

Keiser University is committed to preparing students for successful employment in the movie industry. The AA in Cinematic Arts will help you build a successful career in flick production, directing, cinematography, and script analysis.

Associate of Arts in Reckoner Arts Animation | Miami Dade College

Miami Dade Higher values personal attending and community. Its academic offerings prime number yous for the current workforce or higher education. The AA in Computer Arts Animation teaches yous how to apply cutting-edge 3D animation tools, preparing y'all for the animated movie industry.

Associate of Arts in Christian Studies | Regent Academy

Regent Academy offers degrees in business organisation, communication, engineering, divinity, and educational activity. The AA in Christian Studies includes courses such as Theology and Pauline Literature and prepares you for work in human being services or Christian education.

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts | St. John's University

Students at St. John'south University volition benefit from New York Urban center's vast educational opportunities. AA in Liberal Arts students can expound on their art education and enquiry skills in New York, where arts and culture thrive.

Associate of Arts in Information Technology | St. Leo University

You don't take to take a science degree to study information technology. St. Leo University, Florida'south oldest Catholic school, offers an arts degree in IT. You'll learn everything from basic computer skills to finite math, preparing you lot for an IT degree or an IT career .

Associate of Arts in Theater Arts | SUNY Sullivan

If you lot love performing on phase, then SUNY Sullivan'southward AA in Theater Arts can help fast-rails your theater career. Bated from interim classes, yous'll also acquire dramatic literature and technical theater design. This art associate degree will help yous get stage-ready in just two years.

Associate of Arts in General Education | University of Massachusetts Global

UMass Global has helped working adults earn degrees and succeed in their careers for over threescore years. The AA in General Education prepares you for a four-year bachelor's caste in a field of your pick. This programme covers general knowledge in liberal studies, math, and natural sciences.

All-time Online Fine art Associate Caste Programs and Schools: Overview

School Program Accreditation
American Intercontinental University Associate of Arts in Concern Administration Higher Learning Commission
American Public University Associate of Arts in Real Estate Studies Higher Learning Commission
Ashland Academy Associate of Arts in General Studies with a Business Concentration Higher Learning Committee
California Academy of Pennsylvania Acquaintance of Arts in Liberal Studies Heart States Commission on Higher Education
Eastern Kentucky University Acquaintance of Arts in General Studies Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Florida Constitute of Technology Associate of Arts in Aviation Management Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Committee on Colleges
Hodges University Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Liberty University Associate of Arts in Paralegal Studies Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Pennsylvania Land University Associate of Arts in Letters, Arts, and Sciences Eye States Commission on Higher Education
Southern New Hampshire University Associate of Arts in Photography New England Commission of College Education

All-time Colleges for Art: Summit Online Fine art Associate Caste Programs

An accredited Associate of Arts (AA) online plan is ideal if your career or personal obligations forbid you lot from attending a four-year or two-twelvemonth plan at a private or public university in person. This means yous can graduate without giving up your day job. Below are some online AA degree programs to consider.

Acquaintance of Arts in Business Assistants | American Intercontinental University

American Intercontinental Academy aims to run across students' educational needs academically, personally, and professionally. The AA in Business Assistants lets you chief business organisation writing, speaking, and management skills as well as learn about modernistic computer systems and applications.

Associate of Arts in Real Estate Studies | American Public Academy

APU's online courses equip students for global service and leadership. Yous can become an agent, banker, or appraiser with APU's real estate studies, where you learn property valuation and management. You're not awarded a professional certification, but volition be prepared to obtain one.

Associate of Arts in Full general Studies with a Business organization Concentration | Ashland Academy

Ashland University endeavors to focus on the private. The AA in General Studies with a Business organisation Concentration prepares you for entry-level concern positions and provides the groundwork for advanced degrees.

Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies | California University of Pennsylvania

California Academy is a public academy in Pennsylvania. The AA in Liberal Studies equips you with broad cognition and in-demand skills. Subsequently completing the plan, you can work in accountancy, ad, or public relations.

Associate of Arts in General Studies | Eastern Kentucky University

Eastern Kentucky University has offered online degrees since 2006. The online AA in General Studies allows students to customize their caste plan to their career path. Students can use advanced degree credits to augment their job prospects.

Associate of Arts in Aviation Management | Florida Institute of Engineering

Florida Tech opened in 1958 to serve the Infinite Coast. If yous're interested in aviation, freight, or cargo, or wish to work in this industry, and so the AA in Aviation Management is for you. Airspace systems, aviation planning, and safety are part of the program's courses.

Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice | Hodges Academy

Hodges Academy helps students hone their skills in personal, professional, and borough endeavors. There are classes on public policy and criminal justice reform from seasoned police enforcement professionals. After finishing the AA in Criminal Justice, yous can apply to become a security officer or a police officer.

Associate of Arts in Paralegal Studies | Liberty University

Political and economic principles, institutions, and free-market processes are covered in the AA in Paralegal Studies. An online paralegal degree will give yous the basic legal skills required to work closely with lawyers.

Associate of Arts in Letters, Arts, and Sciences | Pennsylvania State University

Penn Land's World Campus allows students to get a degree solely online. The AA in Letters, Arts, and Sciences emphasizes writing, communication, and quantitative reasoning. An avant-garde degree or a career in retail, sales, or homo services can exist obtained upon graduation.

Associate of Arts in Photography | Southern New Hampshire University

SNHU reinvents higher teaching to keep students continued to emerging technology and modern chore demands. As such, this AA in Photography is aimed at students interested in photojournalism, portraiture, or production photography.

What'southward the Average Fine art Associate Degree Salary?

A group of young students gathered around a laptop
Explanation: An art associate degree will go you a lucrative job and aid you pay dorsum your student debt

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for art associate caste holders was $938 per week, or $48,776 per twelvemonth , in 2020. That was more than the national boilerplate of $41,950. Furthermore, associate degree holders have an unemployment rate of only 7.1 percent. Read on, as nosotros break down the average salaries for the top art associate degree jobs.

Top Art Associate Caste Jobs and Salaries: Overview

Art Associate Degree Jobs Average Salary
Writers $67,120
Figurer Back up Specialist $55,510
Graphic Designer $53,380
Paralegals or Legal Assistant $52,920
Photographer $41,280

Best Fine art Associate Degree Jobs Explained


  • Average Salary: $67,120
  • Chore Outlook: 9%
  • Number of Jobs: 143,200
  • Highest-Paying States: Commune of Columbia, California, Connecticut

Writers and authors provide content for advertizement, blogs, novels, magazines, and scripts. About 68 percent are self-employed, equally ameliorate communications and Internet capabilities allow them to piece of work remotely.

Estimator Support Specialist

  • Average Bacon: $55,510 per yr
  • Chore Outlook: 9%
  • Number of Jobs: 844,600
  • Highest-Paying States: New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts

Computer support specialists help and suggest computer users and businesses. Nearly a quarter of them are in estimator systems design and related services, while 12 percentage are in telecommunications. Some work remotely equally assist-desk experts.

Graphic Designer

  • Average Salary: $53,380 per yr
  • Job Outlook: 3%
  • Number of Jobs: 254,100
  • Highest-Paying States: District of Columbia, Washington, Massachusetts

Graphic designers create visual designs that inspire, inform, and concenter people. They plan the layout and production of advertisements, brochures, publications, and reports. Well-nigh 20 per centum are cocky-employed with a proficient number working from home.

  • Boilerplate Salary: $52,920 per year
  • Job Outlook: 12%
  • Number of Jobs: 345,600
  • Highest-Paying States: District of Columbia, California, Washington

Paralegals and legal assistants assist lawyers past managing files, performing legal research, and preparing papers. Nearly 75 percent of them are in legal services teaming up with attorneys and assisting with depositions or trials.


  • Average Salary: $41,280 per year
  • Job Outlook: 17%
  • Number of Jobs: 110,500
  • Highest-Paying States: District of Columbia, New York, Massachusetts

Photographers create and preserve photos that tell stories or document events. They are more often than not cocky-employed and piece of work either indoors or outdoors, depending on their specialty. Photojournalists are always on the movement, while production photographers typically piece of work from a studio.

Should Yous Become an Acquaintance Degree in Art?

Aye, if you want to learn chore-specific skills or explore different degree pathways, you should get an acquaintance degree in fine art. Art associate degrees (AA) will requite you a well-rounded pedagogy and permit you to explore various fields of interest with elective courses. Furthermore, it only takes 2 years to complete an AA degree and at that place are plenty of job prospects.

You tin can obtain an acquaintance'due south degree on-campus across various institutions or through affordable online schools . This allows flexibility while obtaining your degree. Forth with subject-specific courses, AA degrees also provide students with general instruction. This is vital for those looking to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Art Associate Caste FAQ

What is an associate of arts caste expert for?

An Associate of Arts degree is expert for jobs in social sciences, humanities, design, and education. AA degrees frequently emphasize career development, and graduates tin hands find entry-level jobs in human services, communications, and assistants.

Is an associate of arts caste worth anything?

Yes, many professionals value an associate of arts degree considering it helps people quickly develop skills needed to excel in a chosen career path. Furthermore, it builds the background for a bachelor's degree.

What major does an associate of arts allow?

An associate of arts degree allows yous to major in a wide variety of subjects such as math, humanities, literature, life sciences, social sciences, and history.

How long does it take to get an acquaintance caste?

An acquaintance in arts degree typically takes 2 years to finish. Requirements, such as credit hours and average GPA, must be fulfilled to complete your degree. You can utilize your acquaintance degree as a stepping-stone toward a four-year caste.


Source: https://careerkarma.com/blog/art-associate-degrees/

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