Why Is Death in the Family Not Covered by Pto

If you get all your information from BBC News then you could be forgiven for thinking the earth is currently experiencing a 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated'. You only have to expect at what they did in Austria, by discriminatorily putting the Unvaccinated in a lockdown, to be given that impression.

But you are beingness manipulated and lied to, and we can prove information technology.

The latest official Public Health data from Scotland not only proves that this the earth is in fact in the grip of a 'Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated', it also proves that those who have so far called to avoid the questionable Covid-19 injections, are much improve off for doing so.

Considering the information shows that the fully vaccinated are upward to five times more likely to die if infected with Covid-nineteen.

Public Health Scotland publish a weekly report containing statistics on Covid-nineteen cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status, and their latest study was published on Wed 22nd Nov.

The study contains data on the number of Covid-19 cases and hospitalisations from October 23rd 2021 to November 19th 2021, and the number of Covid-xix deaths from 16th Oct 2021 to 12th November 2021.

Hither's what the latest report revealed in terms of whether this is a 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated or Fully Vaccinated'…

Covid-xix Cases

Table 18 of the latest 'Covid-19 Statistical Written report' shows the number of Covid-19 cases per calendar week by vaccination status between October 23rd and November 19th. We've created the following chart on the published data.

This data proves that the majority of Covid-19 cases in the by iv weeks take been among the fully vaccinated population.

The to a higher place chart shows the cumulative number of cases per calendar week by vaccination status equally well as the projected number of cases per week up to December 17th 2021 based on the current tendency.

As things stand there were 28,711 Covid-19 cases among the unvaccinated population betwixt Oct 23rd and Nov 19th, with projections showing cases could increase to a cumulative total of approximately 60,000 by Dec 17th among the unvaccinated.

But there are far more cases amid the vaccinated population, with l,222 cases being recorded between October 23rd and November 19th, and projections show cases could ascension to a cumulative full of approximately 105,000 past December 17th.

Covid-xix Hospitalisations

Table nineteen of the latest 'Covid-nineteen Statistical Report' shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations per calendar week past vaccination status between October 23rd and November 19th. We've created the post-obit chart on the published data.

This data proves that the bulk of Covid-19 hospitalisations in the past four weeks take been amongst the fully vaccinated population.

The above chart shows the cumulative number of hospitalisations per week by vaccination status too as the projected number of hospitalisations per week up to Dec 17th 2021 based on the current trend.

Between October 23rd and Nov 19th there were 559 hospitalisations among the unvaccinated population, and projections show that the cumulative full of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated could rise to approximately 1,000 by December 17th.

But things are looking much worse for the fully vaccinated. There were 1,564 Covid-19 hospitalisations among the vaccinated population between Oct 23rd and Nov 19th. But projections evidence this could rise to a cumulative total of approximately 3,300 past December 17th.

Covid-nineteen Deaths

Table 20 of the latest 'Covid-nineteen Statistical Study' shows the number of Covid-19 deathsper week by vaccination condition between October 16th and November 12th. Nosotros've created the following chart on the published data.

This data proves that the majority of Covid-19 deaths in the past four weeks have been amid the fully vaccinated population.

The above nautical chart shows the cumulative number of deaths per week by vaccination condition every bit well equally the projected number of deaths per week up to December 10th 2021 based on the current tendency.

As things stand at that place were just 54 Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population between Oct 16th and Nov 12th, with projections showing deaths could increment to a cumulative total of approximately 95 by Dec 10th amid the unvaccinated.

Simply if you are fully vaccinated then your chances of dying if infected with Covid-nineteen look far worse. Because there were 447 deaths among the vaccinated population betwixt October 16th and November twelfth, and projections testify deaths could rising to a cumulative full of approximately 930 by Dec 10th.

Covid-19 Example / Hospitalisation / Fatality Rates

The following chart shows the percentage of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths past vaccination status co-ordinate to the latest Public Wellness Scotland 'Covid-xix Statistical Study'.

The chart shows that the vaccinated population accounted for 64% of cases and 74% of hospitalisations between Oct 23rd and Nov 19th, whilst the unvaccinated population accounted for 36% of cases and 26% of hospitalisations.

Meanwhile between October 16th and Nov twelfth, the vaccinated population accounted for a frightening 89% of Covid-19 deaths, whilst the unvaccinated population deemed for only eleven%.

The above chart likewise clearly demonstrates something rather strange considering we know that the Covid-19 injections cannot forestall infection or transmission of the Covid-xix virus (ask yourself what the point of vaccine passports are, because they're certainly not about "stopping the spread"), merely are alleged to reduce the gamble of hospitalisation and death by up to 95%.

Only if this was the case then we should be seeing that the per centum of hospitalisations and deaths attributed to the vaccinated population is much less than the percentage of cases attributed to the vaccinated population. But we're not, which calls for further investigation, and this is what we plant –

The above chart shows the case-hospitalisation charge per unit (No. Cases / No. Hosp.), example-fatality rate (No. Cases / No. Deaths), and hospitalisation fatality rate (No. Hosp / No. Deaths) by vaccination condition.

These are the figures we should be looking at to determine the effectiveness of the vaccines considering information technology is impossible to be hospitalised with Covid-19 or dice with Covid-19 if you lot have not first been infected with Covid-19.

Therefore, the rates per 100,000 of the general population used past the likes of BBC News are used to deceive you.

Demonstrating the effectiveness of the vaccines by using the number of Covid-nineteen deaths by vaccination condition per 100,000 of the full general population, is like demonstrating the effectiveness of a professional egg cracker past using the number of broken yolks per 100,000 eggs in the world.

The professional person egg cracker cannot break a yolk unless they outset fissure an egg, the aforementioned as a person cannot die with Covid-nineteen unless commencement infected with Covid-19. Therefore, the effectiveness of the egg cracker should be calculated against the number of eggs cracked, and the effectiveness of a vaccine against expiry due to Covid-19 should exist calculated confronting the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19.

Now that we've cleared that up – Information technology's quite concerning to discover that all three rates are much higher among the vaccinated population, we should surely be seeing the opposite if the Covid-19 vaccines reduce the take chances of hospitalisation and death?

But unfortunately the in a higher place figures do not merely propose that the vaccines are ineffective, they really suggest that they make the recipient worse.

A vaccine effectiveness of +95% against death from Covid-19 would mean that the unvaccinated population have a 95% college chance of dying if infected with Covid-19 than the vaccinated.

A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the vaccines are ineffective and the vaccinated and unvaccinated take the same risk of dying if infected with Covid-19.

But a vaccine effectiveness of -95% would mean that the vaccines really make the recipient worse, past for instance decimating the recipients immune arrangement, or invoking a response such equally antibody-dependent-enhancement. Which makes the following figures extremely apropos.

The higher up nautical chart shows the increased risk of hospitalisation if infected with Covid-19, the increased risk of death if infected with Covid-nineteen, and the increased take a chance of death if hospitalised with Covid-19, among the vaccinated population. The percentages accept been calculated based on the 'Rates by Vaccination Status' calculated in the previous chart.

The chart shows that the vaccinated are 63% more than likely to be hospitalised with Covid-nineteen if infected, therefore this shows that the Covid-19 vaccines accept an boilerplate vaccine effectiveness of -63% against hospitalisation.

Simply the about concerning figure demonstrated on the in a higher place chart shows that the vaccinated are 394% more likely to die with Covid-19 if infected. This shows that the Covid-19 vaccines have an average vaccine effectiveness of -394% confronting death suggesting the injections are completely decimating the recipients immune systems.

Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated

So in that location you have it. The latest data published by Public Health Scotland confirms that with 64% of cases, 74% of hospitalisations, and 89% of deaths over the past 4 weeks having been amid the vaccinated population, that this is not a 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated', and is instead very much a 'Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated'.

But non only that, the information also proves that the Covid-nineteen injections not simply do non work, they also make the recipient worse, with a case-fatality rate five times higher amid the vaccinated population than the unvaccinated population.

For the proficient of humanity information technology'due south time to switch off BBC News and realise they've been manipulating you and lying to yous, because the past year and one-half has had absolutely goose egg to do with a virus, and everything to do with control.

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Source: https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/25/pandemic-of-fully-vaccinated-89-percent-covid-deaths-vaccinated/

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